Tag Archives: real housewives atlanta

Kenya Moore Gets A Temporary Restraining Order Against Matt Jordan

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“I should have run away as fast as humanly possible.”

Kenya Moore Gets A Temporary Restraining Order Against Matt Jordan

Is a Real Housewives Star Facing Jail Time After Admitting to a Crime on Camera?

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Another Real Housewives of Atlanta star may soon wind up in cuffs, all thanks to running her big mouth while cameras were rolling. Porsha Williams is in quite a bit of trouble after her assistant Jami Ziegler filed an arrest warrant application for the reality star based on Ziegler’s claims that Williams attacked her at the show’s Christmas party […]

Is a Real Housewives Star Facing Jail Time After Admitting to a Crime on Camera?

Shook Ones: Struggle Bird Kenya Moore Backtracks After Calling Kandi A Fat Azz

Kenya is probably scared Mama Joyce will come after her with that shoe. Kenya Backtracks On Fat Comment About Kandi Kandi may have packed on the pounds, but she has never been evicted. According to Kenya’s Bravo Blog: I made a wise crack at Kandi saying she could skip a meal. Kandi knows I think she has a great figure, so I’m sure she laughed as we have together about the 5-10 pounds she wants to lose. I’m not a tiny girl myself, and I appreciate a woman with curves. I won Miss USA at 128lbs and I’m now a healthy 145-150lb at 5’10”. As women, we know 5lbs is everything to us, but I simply encourage all women to be healthy. My best selling workout DVD “Booty Boot Camp” is available worldwide on Amazon.com. Now twirl, twirl, twirl.

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Shook Ones: Struggle Bird Kenya Moore Backtracks After Calling Kandi A Fat Azz

Put On Blast: Porsha Stewart Slams Kenya And Apollo For Secret Texting, “They Both Were In The Wrong”

Porsha is putting Kenya and Apollo on blast for their inappropriate behavior. Porsha Stewart Slams Kenya And Apollo For Texting Porsha is right. Apollo replied to Kenya’s texts….makes you wonder what else he does behind Phaedra’s back. According to Radar Online reports: In last week’s episode of The Real Housewives of Atlanta, NeNe Leakes called a conference between all the housewives so that Phaedra Parks and Kenya Moore could hash out their differences over the controversy surrounding the fact that Moore had been inappropriately texting Parks’ husband, Apollo Nida. “I was sitting there and I was trying to be quiet,” Parks and Moore’s costar Porsha Stewart told RadarOnline.com exclusively. “I was just looking forward to having a good girls’ night and then I had to sit down and listen to lie after lie after lie.” Stewart was annoyed by the fact that Moore wouldn’t admit what she did was wrong. “It’s one thing to make a mistake,” Stewart said. “It’s another thing not to own it. So, I thought that was just poor taste and a low character value for her not to even admit what she had done and just simply apologize.” Stewart doesn’t think it’s at all appropriate that Moore was texting Nida in the first place. “Hell no!” Stewart said. “None of my staff, my assistant, my publicist, nobody is going to have my man’s number, period. So if it’s a girlfriend, you’re definitely not going to have it.” But Moore wasn’t the only person who should be held accountable — Nida was just as guilty. “They were both in the wrong,” Stewart said. “Now, I don’t know if Apollo told Phaedra immediately, but if he did respond to her anything besides, ‘I don’t think this is appropriate,’ he was in the wrong too.” Steward also suggested that Parks needs to talk to Nida about the difference between right and wrong. “First, she definitely needs to have a sit-down conversation with her husband and let him know what she feels is inappropriate,” Stewart said. “She needs to ask him, ‘What do you think is inappropriate?’ And after he answers, then she has to tell him what she feels and move [on] from that point forward. But first you have to come to an understanding.” The real question is: when is Phaedra going to knock the isht out of Kenya for texting her husband behind her back?

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Put On Blast: Porsha Stewart Slams Kenya And Apollo For Secret Texting, “They Both Were In The Wrong”

Holla We Want Prenup, We Want Prenup: Nene Leakes Asks “Grandad” Greg To Sign Prenup Or Wedding Is OFF

Nene girl if he don’t sign the prenup, we would let him go! Nene Leakes Wants Husband To Sign Prenup According to The National Enquirer: NeNe, 45, and Gregg, 58, a real estate developer, were married for nearly 14 years before she filed for divorce in 2010. He fought hard to win her back, and earlier this year they joyously revealed they were engaged to be remarried. But NeNe, who’s worth an estimated $4.5 million, had second thoughts after getting a fat raise – from $750,000 to $1 million – for Season 6 of the hit Bravo series. The feisty performer also has income from roles on “The New Normal” and “Glee” and wants to make sure her good fortune doesn’t become a payday for Gregg if they split again. “NeNe loves Gregg and hopes their marriage will last this time, but if it doesn’t work out she wants him to walk away only with what he’s bringing into it,” a family friend revealed. “She says she earned what she’s got by herself, and is demanding Gregg sign a prenup or there won’t be a wedding.” The first time around, the couple did not have a prenuptial agreement, and Gregg is said to be insulted she’s now asking for one. “He feels he has always supported NeNe,” explained the friend. “Their divorce was not about spending too much or stealing from her, so he doesn’t think he needs a piece of paper to show he won’t take advantage.” NeNe first met Gregg in 1996. A year later, the single mom married the developer and they had a son. But during their marriage, Gregg encountered painful financial problems. He claimed on the reality show that he had invested a whopping $300,000 in NeNe’s career, and that remark led to a huge blowout which marked the beginning of the end of their marriage. “NeNe has written a memoir called ‘Never Make the Same Mistakes Twice,’ and she says she’s determined to live by that today,” noted the friend. “The prenup is not up for discussion. If Gregg doesn’t sign on the dotted line, NeNe won’t be saying ‘I do.’ Do you think their marriage will last this time around? WENN

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Holla We Want Prenup, We Want Prenup: Nene Leakes Asks “Grandad” Greg To Sign Prenup Or Wedding Is OFF