Tag Archives: really-serves

Bojana Krsmanovic Brings You Hotness

I’m not sure I’ve ever done a post on Bojana Krsmanovic , but that is one name I cannot pronounce. Girl needs to change it to something simpler otherwise she will never get the USA attention she deserves. I feel like my website now is a informational site for hot chicks. I should be charging for this.                

Read the rest here:
Bojana Krsmanovic Brings You Hotness

Bella Hadid Has Talent

I really want to hate Bella Hadid because I know she is a product of a very wealthy dad, has had a lot of work done to look like she does and she really serves no purpose for anyone. That being said, she is a good Instamodel. I mean check out the talent she has eating that burger. Wow! They don’t teach that at school. Oh ya, she prob never went to school.          

See the original post here:
Bella Hadid Has Talent