Tag Archives: rebecca lord

SKINfidelity: Celebrity Nudity on DVD and Blu-ray 10.30.12 [PICS]

It’s All Hallows Eve Eve, but it’s just another week of French porn stars blowing guys in Afro wigs on DVD and Blu-ray: The lone tip of the hat to Halloween is Mia Farrow (or her body double)’s trick or teats in the Satanic classic Rosemary’s Baby (1968), nude on Blu-ray. Also nude this week is the real-sex extravaganza Infidelity: Sex Stories 2 (2012), which features French femmes like Rebecca Lord SKINgaged in hardcore sex acts like that hummer we mentioned earlier. Not nude but notable this week on DVD and Blu-ray, Salma Hayek steams up the screen as a stripper in Americano (2012), Kate Lang Johnson and Amelia Jackson-Gray turn electoral politics into erectoral politics in The Campaign (2012), and sexy pixie Zoe Kazan parades around in her skivvies in Ruby Sparks (2012). More after the jump!

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SKINfidelity: Celebrity Nudity on DVD and Blu-ray 10.30.12 [PICS]