Tag Archives: received-rave

Hoopz Talks About How She Rescued Shaq [VIDEO]

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Reality TV star Nicole “Hoopz” Alexander glows as she talks about her relationship with Shaq. Shaq, more known now for dating the random celeb than his basketball game is being primped and poked by her sewing needle as she dresses him in “Hoopz” tailored clothing. One ensemble in particular– a hooded blazer, received rave reviews, she says “Everyone went crazy. There were all types of requests like, “Who did that?” It was really cool, I was like “Oh, they’re asking!” When asked about her fitness brand she is building: “Through the years that I’ve been in the business and out in the public, I have had several women come up to me and say “How do you stay in shape like that?” I’m going to start putting clips up for people to see what I’m doing to stay active and fit on my website, on Facebook and Twitter, then I’ll probably go into DVDs.” Shaq & Hoopz Look Like They Have A Lot Of Fun Together [PHOTOS] Shaq’s Mistress Writes Love Letter Including Details On Sexual Acts Spotted @ NecoleBitchie.com

Hoopz Talks About How She Rescued Shaq [VIDEO]