Tag Archives: recent-beatdown

“Basketball Wives” Tami Roman Sued For Attacking Co-Star Meeka Claxton

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Bitch don’t know @Sweetback got the scoop? Another day another “Basketball Wives drama, only this time there’s a lawsuit involved, and it involves Meeka Claxton and Tami Roman. According to the lawsuit, which was obtained by MediaTakeOut.com, Meeka is suing Tammi for a recent beatdown that took place in Italy during the taping of the show. Here’s what happened: Meeka and Tami were taping an episode of “Basketball Wives” when Tami physically attacked Meeka. But rather than fight back, Meeka filed a lawsuit against Tami. Hold on, does Tami have any money? We know for a fact that Evelyn is the one who is paid on the show, besides Shaunie of course! I can’t wait to see how this plays out…Will keep you guys posted as this story develops. “Basketball Wives” Tami Roman Rear-Ended In 3-Car Pileup Top 6 Tami Roman’s Memorable Quotes FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER: @ Sweet _Sweetback

“Basketball Wives” Tami Roman Sued For Attacking Co-Star Meeka Claxton