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Vanished Persian army said found in desert

50,000 soldiers believed buried by a cataclysmic sandstorm in 525 B.C The remains of a mighty Persian army said to have drowned in the sands of the western Egyptian desert 2,500 years ago might have been finally located, solving one of archaeology's biggest outstanding mysteries, according to Italian researchers. [more@link] http://news.discovery.com/archaeology/cambyses-army-remains-sahara.html Bronze weapons, a silver bracelet, an earring and hundreds of human bones found in the vast desolate wilderness of the Sahara desert have raised hopes of finally finding the lost army of Persian King Cambyses II. The 50,000 warriors were said to be buried by a cataclysmic sandstorm in 525 B.C

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Vanished Persian army said found in desert

Number of runaways grows with worsening economy

An excerpt – The current recession seems to have no limit, and the media has been pretty thorough in testing that.

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Number of runaways grows with worsening economy