Tag Archives: record-4-35

Global Warming’s Impact on Arctic Ice Explained (Video)

Photo via Rising Powers Earlier today, we looked at the fictional story of a polar bear leaving its threatened home in the Arctic to seek out the source of the problem in human civilization — and yes, that was an advertisement for Nissan’s LEAF electric car. But the phenomena it depicted, ice melting and land mass shrinking in the Arctic, is very real. So good thing then that Peter Sinclair has a brand new video out that details how exa… Read the full story on TreeHugger

Read more from the original source:
Global Warming’s Impact on Arctic Ice Explained (Video)

China Builds Sub That Can Dive a Record 4.35 Miles Underwater (Video)

Photo via New York Times To aid in hunt for fossil fuels and minerals to mine China has evidently entered the arena of deep sea submersible building, which is hardly surprising considering the nation’s current thrust towards achieving various feats of technological derring-do. According to the New York Times , Chinese researchers have built a sub that can descend to a record 4.35 miles below the surface, and it has already been tested at depths of at least 2… Read the full story on TreeHugger

Original post:
China Builds Sub That Can Dive a Record 4.35 Miles Underwater (Video)