Tag Archives: redheaded-dude

Mila Kunis Uneventful Dress of the Day

Mila Kunis is overrated… I get it, you jerked off to her on That 70s show, because it was between her and the Scientologist redheaded dude…but that doesn’t mean you have to carry that affection, or lust, into her 40s…especially now that she’s a dot com billionaire wife…and mother…and too old to be considered hot… The lazier the public gets, the less they scrutinize these idiots, and the longer their careers exist, because you buy into the shit, instead of looking to fresh girls to want to see act badly in movies…and as a man who is married to one pile of shit, all I look for is new girls to get naked, and any self respecting person would do the same…stop locking into someone who doesn’t care about you, or who doesn’t deserve your fandom..especially when she looks like this…boring…as fuck…shit… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Mila Kunis Uneventful Dress of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Mila Kunis Uneventful Dress of the Day