Tag Archives: relevant-even

Chantel Jeffries Got Them Titties on of the Day

Chantel Jeffries was the girl who got busted with Bieber…when Bieber got arrested…and has her tits out…. Some would say…she’s instagram whore who is a legit model people, she’s signed to an agency and has lots of followers because she’s a legit model…and not because she’s an instagram whore.. The kind of girl who got a lot of followers for being slutty, so many followers, popping up on the explore page that athletes and Beibers alike would ask her to fuck… And now she’s a DJ… Is she relevant, who fucking knows what relevant even means anymore…there’s so much bottom feeding trash making money it’s impossible to navigate really… But we do know her tits are out and that’s something, not so magical if you’ve ever left your house and saw that everyone has their tits out…but it’s still tits and as men we must continue to always support women and their cleavage by sexualizing it…otherwise we might as well hop on some Bruce Jenner hormones..and make our full transition.

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Chantel Jeffries Got Them Titties on of the Day