Tag Archives: remains-slutty

Adriana Lima being Slutty in Brazil of the Day

Adriana Lima, the good catholic from Brazil, is in Brazil, celebrating Mardi Gras / Carnival / or whatever this colonial, jesus shoved down the throat of the natives in the tropical countries, where white / spanish / portugese men came to steal their SUGAR and land…and kill off all the tribespeople in order to get their riches… She’s out celebrated this Carnival with other sluts from Victoria’s Secret, in some bullshit marketing campaign, that makes me laugh, only because I remember hearing that LIMA was such a good catholic, she remained a virgin forever, despite having been jerk off material in her panties for money, like a sex worker for her ENTIRE adult life…which to me isn’t very catholic at all.. It’s amazing to me that she still sells the panties the way she does, she’s old…but at least she remains slutty…it’s important. Lais Ribeiro and Jasmine Tookes were there too The post Adriana Lima being Slutty in Brazil of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Adriana Lima being Slutty in Brazil of the Day