Tag Archives: renovation-creates

Today Is A Starting Point – Thoughts on World Oceans Day

Photos via The Plastiki It’s very exciting to have a world ocean day, and when you think about our planet being covered in 72% of water, one would think that rather than calling it Planet Earth we would call it Planet Ocean. Today, the 8th of June is a very special day , we get to recognise and appreciate the scale of the ocean and how integral it is to our ability to live on this planet. Often we don’t connect with the ocean; it is often out of sight out of mind, an endless horizon that in real… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Today Is A Starting Point – Thoughts on World Oceans Day

The Greenest Brick: City Votes to Demolish Entire Street of 41 Historic Buildings

Terrific illustration from the National Post We do go on about how The Greenest Brick is the One Already in the Wall , how old buildings have embodied energy, how renovation creates more jobs than new construction, and how

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The Greenest Brick: City Votes to Demolish Entire Street of 41 Historic Buildings