Tag Archives: research-seems

How Being Poor Can Kill You

Poverty carries a high cost and new research seems to confirm what many of us already know: Being poor can literally make you sick.

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How Being Poor Can Kill You

FACEBOOK JUST PULLED THIS VIDEO FROM MY PAGE: Gulf Oil Spill – Obama Failed Leadership Timeline

And that tis' why a more suitable name discription would be Facistbook. added by: samantha420

Widespread male infertility sweeping the globe

NaturalNews) Nearly 20 years ago, Danish scientists first broke the news to the world that men from Western countries seem to be slowly becoming infertile. Recent research seems to back this up as well, with average sperm counts having dropped to half of what they were 50 years ago. According to reports, nearly 20 percent of men between the ages of 18 and 25 have sperm counts that are abnormally low. To put this in perspective, consider the fact that in the 1940s, men had an average of about 100 million sperm cells per millimeter of semen (m/ml). Today, the average is around 60m/ml. Those among the 20 percent with abnormal levels have less than 20m/ml. More at the Link………. http://www.naturalnews.com/029185_male_infertility_spem_count.html added by: TomTucker