Tag Archives: restaurant-had

Who Gon’ Stop Us Huh? 10 Gaytastic Photos From “National Same-Sex Kissing Day” At Chick-Fil-A Restaurants Across America!

And Dan Cathy wept… As you probably know, the national “kiss in” day at Chick-fil-A was August 3rd. And while some branches of the store faced relative calm amidst a storm of pro-gay sentiment and hot girl on girl action, others weren’t so lucky. One Hollyweird Chick-fil-A restaurant had to call the police after it was vandalized, and in general, the whole thing appears to have been a bit of an excuse for fawkery. Aside from the shenanigans, pro-gay supporters were able to kiss and tell in many Chick-fil-A restaturants across America, to the probable anger of many conservative groups and Cathy family. So tell your gay hating-Bible thumping-chicken sammich eating granny to leave the room and hit the flip to see the 10 best moments next…

The rest is here:
Who Gon’ Stop Us Huh? 10 Gaytastic Photos From “National Same-Sex Kissing Day” At Chick-Fil-A Restaurants Across America!