The chicken biscuit is that serious ! Chick-Fil-A Customer Opens Fire After Car Cuts In Line At Drive-Thru Via RawStory reports: Authorities in Florida are searching for a suspect who opened fire after someone cut in front of him at a Jacksonville Chick-fil-A drive-thru. According to First Coast News, the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office deputies were called to the restaurant at around 9:25 a.m. Monday morning and found that the victim’s car had been struck by at least one bullet in the driver’s side of the rear window. Investigators said that the victim had attempted to drive around an older brown Buick Regal which appeared to be stalled in the drive-thru line when the suspect got out of the passenger’s side of the car and began cursing. The suspect took out a black semi-automatic handgun, fired one or more rounds and then fled on foot. The driver of the brown Buick Regal drove off after the suspect. The Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office is searching for an African-American male, about 5’10″ and 150 pounds. He was described as having a “low haircut” and last wearing a purple jacket and faded blue jeans. Watch this video from WTEV, broadcast Nov. 4, 2013. Well, the lesson to be learned here is obvious: eating at Chic-Fil-A will kill you, and sometimes not from just the “food.” Continue reading →