Tag Archives: roast-the-heck

Parmesan Crusted Tears: SnapThot YesJulz Boo-Hoos After “Ni***a” Tee Tweet Costs Her A Bag, Twitter Rejoices

Cry us a river. Snapchat Thot YesJulz Breaks Down After Losing Gigs Over N***a Tweet Karma kicked in faster than Usain Bolt for YesJulz after she trolled people’s timeline with the N-word. We know you don’t know who she is. Let’s just say she popular in the armpit of America, where culture vultures dwell and she gets checks to host concerts and stuff. She’s also always toying around with the word”n*gga”. https://twitter.com/HumbleTeej/status/860331310576836608 This Caillou looking chick was trying to be funny by asking the timeline if she should wear a n*gga shirt and two Canadian music related events dropped her like a hot potato. First this one. https://twitter.com/WIPPTORONTO/status/860517241510666240   Then this one… https://twitter.com/Marcusgrxham/status/860537811979644928   This led to opaque tears and a parmesan crusted apology. https://twitter.com/stopbeingfamous/status/860653684698619904 You know Black Twitter has no behavior, especially when appropriating leeches get direct deposits pulled from their bank accounts. https://twitter.com/ShenaeCurry/status/860577956531503105 Hit the flip to see people roast the heck out of YesJulz’ crying snap story.   https://twitter.com/GZusBhrist/status/860619453855412224 https://twitter.com/Copastetik/status/860580877566398467 https://twitter.com/YungEmac/status/860584372042252288 https://twitter.com/nuffsaidNY/status/860332022253924352 https://twitter.com/ellhah/status/860544320973275136 https://twitter.com/alexrusselI/status/860326821946175490 https://twitter.com/yoyotrav/status/860565195554533376 https://twitter.com/kelechnekoff/status/860648643141021696 https://twitter.com/NarcoReus/status/860592129567051776 https://twitter.com/matt_got_sole/status/860573521185046528 https://twitter.com/MrVincredible/status/860584241020760065

See the original post here:
Parmesan Crusted Tears: SnapThot YesJulz Boo-Hoos After “Ni***a” Tee Tweet Costs Her A Bag, Twitter Rejoices