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Lawyer For Triple-Murder Suspect Fears His Demonic Look May Sway Jurors Against Him

Gee…you think horns and a 666 forehead tattoo might make people think he’s just a little untrustworthy? Murder Suspect With Horns And 666 Tattoo Thinks Jurors May Convict Based On Appearance We’re not ones for immediately judging books by their covers…but if it looks like duck and quacks like a duck, it just may have committed a gruesome triple-homicide and dismemberment. Via MailOnline : A Massachusetts lawyer is concerned that it will be difficult to find impartial jurors for an upcoming murder trial given his client’s unique appearance, namely, implanted horns and a satanic tattoo. Caius Veiovis, 33, is the third suspect to face trial in the August 2011 slayings of David Glasser, Edward Frampton and Robert Chadwell. Veiovis’ signature look includes two rows of bumps resembling horns protruding from his forehead, a ‘666’ tattoo between them, and other facial and neck tattoos. He also had surgically altered the shape of his ears to make them elf-like. After discussing the matter, a Hampden Superior Court judge on Thursday told defense lawyer James Reardon Jr. he would ask potential jurors if there was anything about the Veiovis’ appearance that would keep them from being fair. The trial is scheduled to start September 3. Veiovis has pleaded not guilty to counts of murder, kidnapping and witness intimidation. The heavily inked man is accused of helping David Chalue and Adam Lee Hall kidnap, torture, murder and dismember David Glasser, Edward Frampton and Robert Chadwell in Berkshire County on August 28, 2011. The victims’ mutilated remains were later found in a ditch in Becket, Masslive.com reported. According to investigators, the co-conspirators killed Glasser because he was expected to testify against Hall, a member of the Hell’s Angels biker gang, in an unrelated assault case. The two other men were murdered because they witnessed Glasser’s abduction. ‘There’s a serious factor of curiosity and concern when the jury first sees him,’ James Reardon Jr said in Hampden Superior Court. The lawyer then brought up the issue of his client’s appearance out of concern that jurors may find it challenging to be impartial because of the horns and tattoos. Yeah…fair trials, not prejudging and whatnot. But honestly, look at this man. Go directly to jail. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200.

Lawyer For Triple-Murder Suspect Fears His Demonic Look May Sway Jurors Against Him