Tag Archives: rosita-picture

Velvet Sky As Princess Leia

Here’s a post that both wrestling fans and nerds will love: Velvet Sky as Princess Leia. Even though, I stopped watching wrestling many years ago when I found out that it scripted and fake, I can still appreciate hotties like Velvet Sky. Not sure what her signature finishing move is, but may I suggest the motorboat sleeper. If she doesn’t know what that is, I’d be more than happy to teach her.

Velvet Sky Rocks Some See Through Lingerie

I’m pretty sure that Velvet Sky knows by now that I want to get in the ring with her for a good old fashioned girl-on-blogger baby oil bikini wrestling match. Alright, so she’ll be the only one in a bikini, I’ll be wearing some very thin track pants, but you get the idea. I’m ready to go, especially after seeing all these shots of that tight body of hers in some see through lingerie. I’ll start stretching.

Velvet Sky Gets All Taped Up

I don’t follow wrestling anymore, not since the King Kong Bundy days, but that doesn’t mean I’m not familiar with this Velvet Sky hottie. I’ve had her on the site before and she doesn’t disappoint. Here she is wearing some sort of weird and sexy outfit made out of what looks like electrical tape. I don’t really get it, but I like it. It’s going to take a while to peel all of that off… I’ve got time.

Velvet Sky Assumes The Position

I’m not exactly a football fan, although I do like sitting around drinking beers, but this kind of thing I can really see myself getting behind. Here’s Velvet Sky in some sexy latex bikini bottoms practicing some of her sexy positions. I’m not sure these are actual football positions, but seriously, I would like to get behind this. Right behind… In a pair of very thin sweatpants. let’s do it. more pictures of Velvet Sky here