Tag Archives: ruin-the-party

Cash Me OuttaLine: Moldy Loaf Of Wonder Bread Throws Out-Of-Rhythm Jabs At Willow Smith’s Hair

Hollywood To You/Star Max/GC Images Danielle Bregoli Comments On Willow Smith’s Hair This white bi**h felt bold today! Willow Smith went on her Instagram Live this weekend to hang out with some fans. Completely irrelevant and griping for attention Danielle Bregoli came in quick to ruin the party, and left a comment throwing shots at her locks. The comment reads: “U done whipped ur hair back n forth too many times n got ya head f***ed up” Clearly a cry for attention since she hasn’t been in the media past her 15 minute expiration date, Bregoli felt it necessary to insult this Black queen’s luscious locks. For someone who made a quick couple bucks while doing her best at culturally appropriating, this hateful comment is especially ridiculous. It’s no surprise that this wannabe-Black brat would be envious of Willow’s hair, so we all might wanna start a pool to and make bets on how long until Cash Me Outside herself rakes her raggedy red mop into some white people dreads. Please sit tf down and return back to your trailer park while you wait for Jada and Will to send their shooters at your unworthy head.

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Cash Me OuttaLine: Moldy Loaf Of Wonder Bread Throws Out-Of-Rhythm Jabs At Willow Smith’s Hair

November Election Already ‘Mightily Out of Control’ for G.O.P., Says Front-Page Blurb in NY Times

One of the New York Times’s favorite themes is the ever-impending Republican civil war that will ruin the party’s chances in whatever election that’s coming up. Former chief political reporter Adam Nagourne y is a past master, but he’s now covering the West Coast. Luckily, Times contributor Matt Bai was there to fill the gap Thursday, explaining how the Republicans may blow a great opportunity through ruinous infighting in the primaries. The assumption behind Bai’s “Political Times” piece ” For Republicans, Sorting Out Candidates Gets a Bit Messy ” is that a crowded field of candidates in the Republican primaries is a bad thing. A front-page, above-the-fold teaser distorted one of Bai’s already premature judgements, leaving out his qualifier to suggest Republican prospects are already sunk: ” Some critics are already asking Republican leaders how they managed to let a promising election season get so mightily out of control .” Bai wrote: Primaries are a wonderful thing — or at least that’s the standard line among Republican leaders these days. “Primary campaigns can be healthy,” said Ken Spain, spokesman for the National Republican Congressional Committee, “because they prepare the eventual nominee for how to aggressively campaign in November and provide the candidate with an opportunity to familiarize himself or herself with the electorate.” What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger! Let democracy flower! Of course, Republicans have little choice but to see it this way, since nearly every nonincumbent Republican running for Congress this year has had to endure a primary, often with enough candidates to field a softball team. This disorderly sorting out of candidates, a process that in many cases features establishment types with good hair against ideologues in search of a Bastille to storm, will not matter much if Republicans can regain a majority in at least one chamber in November. If they do not, however, Republican leaders will have to answer the question some critics are already asking, which is how they managed to let a promising election season get so mightily out of control . A front-page, above-the-fold teaser distorted Bai’s already premature judgement by leaving out his qualifier: ” Some critics are already asking Republican leaders how they managed to let a promising election season get so mightily out of control .” By last summer, though, public meetings on health care were erupting in fury and the phrase “Tea Party” was entering the political lexicon. Suddenly, more conservatives were jostling for a chance to challenge incumbent Democrats and their own party, and to promote ideological purity. Stunned Republicans in Washington were reluctant to rescind their tacit endorsements of what they saw as electable candidates, but the last thing they wanted was to square off against newly energized Tea Party types. Instead, the party basically tried to slink off to the sidelines, which only emboldened more primary challengers. A lot of establishment candidates, meanwhile, ended up in the worst of all worlds, branded as instruments of the party but running without much practical help from Washington. Focused on potential Republican problems, Bai didn’t even mention the  bloodbath in Tuesday’s Arkansas Senate primary pitting supporters of center-left sitting Sen. Blanche Lincoln and Bill Halter, backed by the far-left and national unions.

November Election Already ‘Mightily Out of Control’ for G.O.P., Says Front-Page Blurb in NY Times