Tag Archives: ruined-romance

Happy Birthday, Kate Middleton!

Kate Middleton turns 29 years old today and we encourage all readers to send in their best wishes. After all, what else do you get a beautiful young woman who is set to marry a hunk and inherit billions of dollars? As seen below, Middleton has already become a supermarket tabloid staple. Expect to see and hear a lot more about the future princess in the near future, some true, some false, all looking to cash in on what will be wedding of the century.

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Happy Birthday, Kate Middleton!

Kate Middleton and Prince William: A Ruined Romance or A Wedding on the Way?

Kate Middleton and Prince William have either set a date for their wedding… … or called it quits due to a lack of one. It all depends on which tabloid story one believes, as two of the nation’s most ridiculous, least reliable publications have come out with opposing reports this week. See for yourself: On one hand, it makes sense for Middleton to “cozy up to [William’s] best friend’s brother,” as teased above; she’s allegedly angry at him for continually cheating over the years . Then again, the couple reportedly stands to inherit $20 billion if they tie the knot. Could they really turn such a sum down? Of course, these reports are all based on tabloid tales that quote anonymous sources; change facts more often than Bachelor contestants call off engagements; and capitalize whatever headlines will sell the most copies each week. Without an Royal engagement even announced, just click on the pics below to see what nonsense various rags have claimed about Middleton and William over the last few months:

Original post:
Kate Middleton and Prince William: A Ruined Romance or A Wedding on the Way?