Tag Archives: said-at-age

Jenny McCarthy on Playboy Return: Let’s Hear it For MILFs!

If anybody wants to know why Jenny McCarthy is posing for Playboy at the age of 39, nearly two decades after she first did, her response is twofold, and simple: 1. To promote autism research, and 2. Why not? TV’s Love in the Wild host took to Twitter this week and said, “Why should only 20 yr olds be considered sexy?” she writes. “Let’s (hear) it for the MILFs.” Somehow we imagine guys can buy into that. Jenny McCarthy Playboy Interview In a poll, fans have responded by a two-to-one margin that McCarthy has only gotten better with age from when she first appeared in Playboy in 1993. Interestingly, two years ago, McCarthy told Playboy in an interview (above) that she could be persuaded to pose again, but the mag couldn’t afford it. Maybe the price went down? Or Hef dug deeper? Who knows. Also interestingly, Jenny said at age 37 that wasn’t sure if she’d still “have it” in a few years. Guess it’s safe to say she still does.

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Jenny McCarthy on Playboy Return: Let’s Hear it For MILFs!