Ireland Baldwin is the fucking worst…and she was on snapchat flashing her tits for some instagram hooker, I don’t have the pics…because I hate Instagram hookers, and apparently no one cared enough to pull a screenshot… I guess instagram hookers like other fame whores with famous parents, living the trust fund life…because it’s good for instagram hooker business…and she ended up blocking me off her social media…something she’s been doing since she’s been 17…but she didn’t count as 17…because she was 7 foot tall and pushing 250 pounds of pure “too big to be a model even if your parents are rich and famous and your mom was a goddess in her prime and still hotter than you’ll ever be…while your dad fucks yoga instructors”> …but let us use your cousin, she’s more marketable…you just go back to being an unstable little pig, in and out of rehab…and lesbian black girls…on her 19 year old self discovery… I guess she doesn’t like being called the big monster…which is pretty fucking weak for something that looks so strong… What makes little to no sense is that even the most useless celebrity kid gets work, I’m talking to you Dakota Johnson, like who gives a fuck about Don Johnson…and bitch is in 50 shades of grey, but then again despite being awkward and mousy, Ireland in 50 Shades would have never worked…because she’s Godzilla….and if you’ve ever tried to have S&M sex…you know a little BDSM…with Godzilla…that shit’s hard to dominate…it takes an army of men to restrain it… Ok, enough about this blocking cunt…I’m over the rejection… The post Ireland Baldwin was Topless and Blocked Me On All Social Media of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
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Ireland Baldwin was Topless and Blocked Me On All Social Media of the Day