Tag Archives: santa-outfit

Paris Hilton’s Terrifying Panty Flash of the Day

These Paris Hilton panty flash pictures have been floating around the internet the last few days and I didn’t want to post them…obviously I saw them, what the fuck do you think I do all day, it’s not like anything gets past these pervert eyes, but sometimes I wish they did…you see I am a man who can handle a whole lot of disgusting..I mean I’ve been watching freakish porn videos since StileProject…I think the first asian puke video I ever saw was on VHS in 1992…I’m seasoned….a veteran…some would even say desensitized, lacking a soul…and broken…but for some reason…Paris Hilton’s vagina and anything that comes near it…whether it is lace, cellophane or topical creams….make my stomach fucking curdle…but the sick thing in all this is that I’d love to eat every square inch of it, and you know there are a lot of square inches to it…just to see if my tongue falls off…

See the rest here:
Paris Hilton’s Terrifying Panty Flash of the Day

Ashley Tisdale in Leather Pants of the DAy

I just saw a video that I am not going to link…of Dogs being used in Asian factories as leather that they make all your North American shoots, boots, belts, gloves, wallets and fetish gear from, because I guess dogs are cheaper than cows…and dogs are man’s best friend so it made me very fucking upset…so looking at Ashley Tisdale and her broken down face…I can’t help but wonder if her leather pants are a stray dog…but more importantly, I can’t help but wonder just how hot it was in the studio, and how balmy she got in her unbreathable fabric, and how ripe her recently married, possibly pregnant, because why else would you get married, unless it was for fear of being alone, due to a botched face, which I doubt it was,, because she’s clearly got an ego and thinks she is hotter than she is, otherwise she wouldn’t be posing in magazines…pussy is… That’s all I have to say about that.

Original post:
Ashley Tisdale in Leather Pants of the DAy

Candice Swanepoel BTS Holiday Costume of the Day

Nothing says Christmas like a South African slave driver / farmer’s daughter wearing a Santa Outfit for an evil corporation that owns her and uses her to push shitty made, shitty styled, shitty product for fat chicks from the midwest who love malls, discount panties they feel they are buying into a lifestyle and upping their sex appeal with, at an affordable price…all because everyone in their trailer park watched the fashion show the other night…and the general public love tacky, shitty things…peddled by Jewish billionaires via exploited Chinese factory workers…. It’s a Christmas Miracal…and here’s Santa Candice Swanepoel….

Read the original post:
Candice Swanepoel BTS Holiday Costume of the Day