Tag Archives: saves-the-life

Cats Sing Purrr-fect Version of Ariana Grande’s "Problem"

Cats are taking over the Internet. This has been the case for years now, we know, but the last few weeks have given us a cat who plays Jenga and a cat who saves the life of a boy being attacked by a dog. Also, cats who keep the beat to Lil Jon’s “Turn Down for What.” Now, we present cats creating their own version of Ariana Grande’s smash hit, “Problem.” The lyrics have been changed in the most purr-fect of ways, making this a must-listen for pet lovers around the globe. Enjoy! Kitten Remix “Problem” It doesn’t get much cuter than that… … or does it?!? Have you seen these feline selfie?!? 15 Crazy Cat Selfies 1. Hey Bruh Yo B. Watchu doin’?

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Cats Sing Purrr-fect Version of Ariana Grande’s "Problem"