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In Crazy White Folks News: Couple Confesses To Role in Texas DA Killings

Some folks just ain’t isht . This guy and his wife really had to rob people of their lives because dude couldn’t handle being publicly disgraced and his authority being challenged. Couple Confesses To Role in Texas DA Killings According to People For weeks, fear enveloped Kaufman County, Texas. Two county prosecutors and one of their wives had been killed. People worried that the murders were the work of a criminal gang or a loner bent on revenge – and wondered who, if anyone, might be next. An arrest now brings the case back to one of their own: an elected official who’d been booted from office and allegedly held a grudge against those who helped convict him last year for stealing county property, causing him to lose his job and health benefits, authorities say. Eric Williams, 46, Kaufman County’s disgraced former justice of the peace, was targeted by his wife, Kim, also 46, who confessed the couple’s role in the murders, according to a warrant for Kim Williams’ arrest. “Law enforcement in the State of Texas takes this all very seriously,” Kirby Dendy, assistant director/chief in charge of the Texas Rangers, said at a press conference Thursday. “The murder of a public official … is an assault against all citizens in this state.” She was charged Wednesday with capital murder for the shootings of Assistant District Attorney Mark Hasse, who was killed Jan. 31 as he walked to work at the courthouse, and District Attorney Mike McLelland and his wife, Cynthia, whose bodies were found March 30 at their home. Eric Williams earlier was arrested for making a “terroristic threat,” reportedly by anonymous e-mail, after officers searched the couple’s home April 12. He was charged Thursday with the murders as well and was being held on $23 million bond. “Kim Williams described in detail her role along with that of her husband, Eric Williams, whom she reported to have shot to death Mark Hasse … and Mike and Cynthia McLelland,” says the arrest affidavit, which added that during questioning, Kim Williams “gave details of both offenses which had not been made public.” Jesus help us all. AP

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In Crazy White Folks News: Couple Confesses To Role in Texas DA Killings