Tag Archives: school-advice

Duggars Offer Back-to-School Advice (Despite the Fact They’ve Never Sent Their Kids to School)

The days are getting shorter, the never-used golf clubs and camping equipment are gathering dust, and the nagging sense that you’re wasting the best years of your life withering away under the harsh glare of fluorescent lights in a cubicle that seems to get smaller by the day is growing more profound. This can only mean one thing — autumn is upon us. All over the country, kids are back in the classroom, but for the Duggar family, there aren’t too many changes around the compound this time of year. That’s because the Duggar kids are homeschooled . Yes, not one of Jim Bob and Michelle’s 19 kids has ever set foot inside an actual classroom. And yet, for some reason, the family still feels it’s their duty to offer back-to-school advice to their devoted fanbase. “I know many moms and dads are in ‘back-to-school’ mode and have a thousand things to think about and many stressors in your life,” Michelle wrote on the Duggars official Facebook page this week. “Recently, I was reading in God’s word,” Michelle continued. “‘Be anxious for nothing.’ It was such a beautiful reminder that God has everything in control. He is working things out on our behalf. We have to place our trust in Him and He will direct our steps.” Decent advice, but it’s easy for someone to tell you to just chill out when they’re not the ones who have to buy their kid a separate three-ring binder for every freakin’ class. As In Touch Weekly points out, many commenters took issue with the Duggars’ advice for stressed-out parents. “Oh, the overt irony of that post,” wrote one Facebook user. Others echoed the sentiment, and it’s not hard to see why they’re so resentful of advice issued by someone who simply cannot relate to their plight. Obviously, homeschooling 19 kids is no easy task — but the Duggars have had plenty of help. If you’re a longtime fan of the family, you probably already know that the Duggars employ a buddy system , meaning that each child is assigned a younger sibling to look after — and educate. Now that so many Duggars have left the nest, most of the tutoring duties fall not to Michelle, but to Jana. Yes, with the help of her friend Laura DeMasie, Jana Duggar has been homeschooling her siblings for years. Some have gone so far as to suggest that the reason Jana is still single is that she’s so busy with helping to raise her siblings that she’s had no time to find a partner. We don’t know if that’s true, but we do know that Michelle is not the ideal person to be dispensing back-to-school advice. View Slideshow: The Duggars: Abusing Their Own Children With Twisted “Pearl Method” Parenting

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Duggars Offer Back-to-School Advice (Despite the Fact They’ve Never Sent Their Kids to School)