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If love isn’t in the cards for you this Valentine’s Day, take it upon yourself to make it the best V-Day you’ve ever had by winning a date with Idris Elba.
Here’s How You Can Win A Date With Idris Elba On Valentine’s Day
Excerpt from:
If love isn’t in the cards for you this Valentine’s Day, take it upon yourself to make it the best V-Day you’ve ever had by winning a date with Idris Elba.
Here’s How You Can Win A Date With Idris Elba On Valentine’s Day
Posted in Celebrities, Hollywood, Hot Stuff, News
Tagged car, cards, cheating, Hollywood, News, not-too, screeching-halt, valentine's day
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Meek Mill and Nicki Minaj’s relationship came to a screeching halt not too long ago.
Juicy’s Teacup: How Meek Mill Messed Up With Nicki Minaj [EXCLUSIVE VIDEO]
Posted in Celebrities, Hollywood, Hot Stuff, News
Tagged cheater, cheating, gary's tea, instagram, meek mill, News, nicki, nicki-minaj, not-too, screeching-halt, side-chick, stars, turks & caicos, vacation
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Yung Berg‘s career as a VH1 reality star has come to a screeching halt after he was arrested for assault. The general population of women…
Posted in Celebrities, Hollywood, Hot Stuff, News
Tagged features, general-population, Hollywood, masika, News, screeching-halt, TMZ, Yung Berg
The festivities for the 16th Annual Kappa Khristmas Jam & Toy Drive came to a screeching halt when members of the Kappa Alpha Psi and Omega Psi Psi exchanged fisticuffs , allegedly over the lack of female patrons…. Continue
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The Struggle Files: Kappas & Ques Fight Over Girls At Christmas Party [Photos]
Posted in Celebrities, Hollywood, Hot Stuff
Tagged allegedly-over, api, Celebrity Gossip, discontinue, extraction, female-patrons, hip hop wired, Hollywood, kappa, over-the-lack, screeching-halt, term, TMZ, Yahoo
It’s been a long road for Irv Gotti and Ja Rule. The Murder Inc. Records front men saw a historic rise to fame in the early 2000′s only to see it come to a screeching halt when their biggest enemy, 50 Cent, was took over the charts. Now that Ja is fresh out of jail, the “Holla” rapper and his CEO Irv Gotti are ready to paint New York City red and one of their first stops was an interview with The Breakfast Club at Power 105 FM for a very memorable appearance…. Continue
10 Things We Learned From The Breakfast Club’s Irv Gotti & Ja Rule Interview
Posted in Celebrities, Hollywood, Hot Stuff
Tagged biggest, biggest-enemy, detected, historic-rise, hunter-college, invalid, jesus take the wheel, murder, online, power, screeching-halt, very-memorable
Ohhhh SNAP. Beliebers, how are we doing? We know most things come to a screeching halt when Justin Bieber drops an announcement bomb like this. I'm referring, of course, to Biebsie's grand Twitter reveal of his brand
The rest is here:
Justin Bieber Reveals ‘Sexy’ New Fragrance: The Key | MTV Style
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip, Hollywood, Hot Stuff, Music, News
Tagged bieber, biebsie, context, invalid, know-most, News, screeching-halt, things-come, Twitter