Tag Archives: second-casey

Second Casey Anthony Video Diary Surfaces

A second Casey Anthony video diary has evidently surfaced online. In this one, she has the same short hair, but darker locks, different glasses and a pierced nose! So edgy! The full diary hasn’t been posted, but a seven-second tease has, by a woman who also posted stills of it on Twitter . The full video is less than two minutes long. Casey supposedly makes no mention of the infamous trial in which she was acquitted of killing her young daughter Caylee, or of Caylee herself, for that matter. It’s unclear how the Casey Anthony video diaries (plural) leaked online, whether she was behind their release, where she filmed them, and how many there are. “This is the first of many, and I’m looking forward to this,” Casey said in her first video, which is definitely her . “It’s a little scary, because I hate being on camera.” Check out a snippet of Anthony’s latest video diary (below): Second Casey Anthony Video Diary Sneak Peek

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Second Casey Anthony Video Diary Surfaces