Tag Archives: sector-watches

Mila Kunis Attends U.S. Marine Corps Ball

The U.S. Marine Corps motto, Semper Fidelis (often shortened to Semper Fi), translates to always faithful. Mila Kunis was faithful to promise she made when she attended a Marine Corps Ball in Greenville, N.C., on Friday with Sgt. Scott Moore. Moore famously asked her to the event this summer on YouTube: Mila Kunis Invited to Marine Corps Ball According to local news station WNCT, the 28-year-old actress arrived to the venue just before 2:30 p.m., where she was quickly whisked away from the media. Kunis made it to the Greenville Convention Center, where she and Moore “enjoyed the night,” Marine spokesperson Capt. Scott Sasser told Access Hollywood. “She’s going to get a chance to learn about the Marine Corps, and we’re all going to have a great time celebrating the Marine Corps birthday,” Sasser said. Moore asked Kunis out via YouTube after making a bet with a fellow Marine when he was serving his second combat deployment in Musa Qala, Afghanistan. He’s not kissing and telling about Friday, but “I always thought I had a chance, and sometimes, that’s all you need,” he said of asking out his famous date. The Friends With Benefits star wasn’t the only one star power to a Marine Corps Ball. Just one week prior, her co-star Justin Timberlake had “one of the most moving evenings” of his entire life at another Marine Corps Ball in Richmond, Va. Kristin Cavallari also attended one outside San Diego after being asked on Twitter.

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Mila Kunis Attends U.S. Marine Corps Ball

Kris Humphries Speaks on Difficult Time, Watches

Do not feel too bad for Kris Humphries, people. The NBA player may currently be locked out of his job, and he may have recently been served divorce papers by Kim Kardashian , but Humphries isn’t totally alone during this heart-breaking time. He has his pals at Sector Watches to get him through. Kris held a press conference at New York City’s Trump SoHo hotel on Friday and announced a $150,000 endorsement deal with the company. “As you all know, this has been a difficult time in my life, and I’m so grateful [for] my friends at Sector for their unwavering support,” he said.