Tag Archives: selfie-while

Will Smith Looks Dead On Uncle Phil In This Picture!

Original post:

While bungee jumping off the Victoria Falls Bridge, actor Will Smith posted a video of himself resembling his television relative, James Avery, better known as Uncle Phil from The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. Check out the video and image below: Will Smith took a selfie while bungie jumping and he looks like Uncle Phil pic.twitter.com/YPWMtsSAOz — Andrew […]

Will Smith Looks Dead On Uncle Phil In This Picture!

Say Aaaah: This Starbucks Baristo Bae Is Melting Panties Across The Internet

Josh The Baristo Bae Drives The Ladies Crazy Josh the Starbucks Baristo has the ladies going CRAZY after posting a swoon-worthy selfie while pouring up creamy deliciousness that went viral and destroyed all kinds of panties across the internet. Hit the flip for a peek into the Baristo bae hysteria.

See the article here:
Say Aaaah: This Starbucks Baristo Bae Is Melting Panties Across The Internet