Tag Archives: selling-debut

Straight From The GOAT’S Mouth: Check Out Kendrick Lamar’s DAMN. Interview With Zane Lowe [Video]

https://www.instagram.com/p/BTJ11M3Au1q/?taken-by=zanelowe Kendrick Lamar’s Beats 1 Radio Interview With Zane Lowe Kung Fu Kenny is the talk of not only hip-hop culture, but music culture as a whole. His new album, DAMN. , is projected to be the highest selling debut of 2017 (yes, even higher than Drake) at around 530,000 to 550,000 units sold in the first week. That number also marks a personal best for the spitfire Compton rapper. https://instagram.com/p/BTH6CcHgo-S/?taken-by=zanelowe Today, Beats 1 Radio host Zane Lowe sat down with King Kendrick to pick his brain about the new album and what it all means. Check it out below. https://youtu.be/CAjHSiv6BkI What say you about Kenny’s new album? Big hit or big skip? In a bit of rumor control news, flip the page to see what Kendrick had to say about the rumors of MORE new music… Image via Getty/Instagram https://twitter.com/kendricklamar/status/855484349440958464 Sorry tin foil hat gang, the dream has officially died. Enjoy DAMN.

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Straight From The GOAT’S Mouth: Check Out Kendrick Lamar’s DAMN. Interview With Zane Lowe [Video]