Tag Archives: serious-damage

Bella Thorne Is A Hot And No Talent White Girl Rapper

I’m gonna go ahead and warn you right now, before you click anything: if you try watching this video of Bella Thorne rapping — sorry, “rapping” — with these two douche losers with the sound on, it might do serious damage to your ability to get a pants fire. I recommend keeping it on mute and just skimming ahead to the good parts — AKA Bella showing off her chesticles — instead.

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Bella Thorne Is A Hot And No Talent White Girl Rapper

43 Chances To See Bruno Mars Act Like James Brown

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Singer-songwriter Bruno Mars was a busy man in 2013. After dropping another successful album, Mars went on a 90-city world tour. After resting for the…

43 Chances To See Bruno Mars Act Like James Brown

Police Brutally Assault Deaf Man For Being Deaf

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The Oklahoma Highway Patrol is in the middle of doing some serious damage control. A man named Pearl Pearson was beaten by the highway patrol…

Police Brutally Assault Deaf Man For Being Deaf

Sophie Monk Defines Vagina of the Day

The only reason why this bitch is famous is because she used her vagina proper to get her to the top. Not that she’s at the fucking top, because she’s pretty much unemployed, but she’s doing a lot better than the trash she grew up with in Australia, I’m talking about her mother. So I guess that’s why she wraps that pussy up to preserve the shit like some kind of mummy or lunch sandwich, or maybe it is to protect the world from the shit, because last time I checked her fiance cheated on her/ left her for Paris Hilton and that can do serious damage to unsuspecting genitals, you know making her camel toe more of a spitting camel toe

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Sophie Monk Defines Vagina of the Day