Tag Archives: sexy-futuristic

Mary-Louise Parker Is A Hot Hooker

I don’t really post pictures of Mary-Louise Parker all that often, I think it’s because she doesn’t really do anything all that sexy in real life, but today is an exception. Here she is on the set of some movie she’s shooting, dressed as some sort of sexy futuristic hooker. Obviously I don’t know that for sure, I’m just speculating, but for the sake of this post she’s a humanoid sex worker. I like it. I would pay whatever the equivalent of fifty dollars is in space currency for a night with this beauty. What? I’m cheap.

Hayden Panettiere In Her Sexy Weird Outfit

Obviously I don’t know anything about fashion, I think my sweatpants are on backwards and I don’t care, so I’m not sure what this outfit is all about. Here’s sexy little person Hayden Panettiere out on the town over the weekend. I guess I like it, she looks like a sexy futuristic lady lawyer/bounty hunter you’d see in a really bad Sylvester Stallone movie.