Tag Archives: shaped-nipples

Alice Has Heart Shaped Nipples of the Day

Her name is Alice, she’s 21 and from Australia. I am not sure what she does for work or school, but I know one thing she does…and that’s turn her nipples into hearts… I guess it’s one of those body modifications that doesn’t make sense to me, unless you have really awkward shaped nipples, but I guess it is pretty girly to have hearts for nipples, even though having tits are girly enough for me…and they don’t even have to be good tits…just any old tit will do… I am not a big fan of the body modification movement, but I guess if a girl gets something that makes her feel compelled to show off, it might as well be genital oriented…because if I’m going to look at a new tattoo, why would I want to look at your fat hair arm…..I want to see your nipples…. I mean, I don’t even thing posting this is considered NSFW, mainly because nipples aren’t porn, porn is hardcore penetrative sex, but also because these nipples are hybrid… All this to say, hot girls can pull off anything, if she was 500 lbs, these heart shaped nipples would be disgusting.. Since she’s not…it makes me wish I got this for Valentines Day… Photos By Art Provocative Website | instagram The post Alice Has Heart Shaped Nipples of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

Alice Has Heart Shaped Nipples of the Day