What could go wrong? Also: Ugh : “South By Southwest 2012 can be summarized thusly: An impossibly named marketing company called Bartle Bogle Hegarty is doing a little human science experiment called Homeless Hotspots . It gives out 4G hotspots to homeless people along with a promotional t-shirt. The shirt doesn’t say, ‘I have a 4G hotspot.’ It says, ‘I am a 4G hotspot.’ You can guess what happens next. You pay these homeless, human hotspots whatever you like, and then I guess you sit next to them and check your e-mail and whatnot. The digital divide has never hit us over the head with a more blunt display of unselfconscious gall.” [ ReadWriteWeb ]
Excerpt from:
SXSW’s Hot New Tech Trend: Homeless Wi-Fi Hubs