Tag Archives: shoulda-jerked

Lady Gaga Falling Off Her Piano of the DAy

Too bad she didn’t break her neck and Christopher Reeves herself…See I don’t wish death upon even the most disgusting humans, I prefer them to sufer and rely on a straw to get around…I can’t stand Gaga she is the devil and this stupidity should have ended in one of those Darwin Awards…you know “I was half naked, dick tucked into a leather looking bikini, in front of 100,000 people who believe the lie that I’m an artist and visionary, even though I was created in an office to reach the gay market, so I jumped on a piano bench so people know I’m a real talent who can play from my soul, and I slipped cuz my tranny boots didn’t have enough grip, I shoulda jerked off on them before the concert and not after the concert, silly me, the bullshit queen, who isn’t hot in anyway”…. She’s the Devil, make her stop, that’s all I have to say about that.

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Lady Gaga Falling Off Her Piano of the DAy