Kim Kardashian is finally putting her inexplicable popularity to good use. The large-breasted sex tape star is one of a number of big names participating in the Digital Life Sacrifice event , a charitable effort spearheaded by Alicia Keys that asks celebrities to stay off all social networking sites until $1 million is raised in honor of World AIDS Day on December 1. In a poster to promote the cause, Kim does the same thing that made her famous in the first place: lie down in front of a camera with her eyes closed… ” Kim Kardashian Is Dead,” reads this ad, detailing how she has sacrificed her digital life “to give real life to millions of others affected by HIV/AIDS in Africa and India. Visit or text ‘KIM’ to ‘90999’ to buy her life now.” We’re all for any celebrity using his/her fame to raise funds. But wouldn’t this be a more effective campaign if the population could donate money to keep Kim off Twitter and Facebook?
Excerpt from:
Kim Kardashian Plays Dead for Good Cause