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Dead Wrong: Popular Adult Site Posts Video Spoofing Eric Garner Protests “She Can’t Breathe”

Eric Garner lost his life and these people are trying to turn a profit making offensive videos ridiculing it? Bang Bros Spoofs Eric Garner Protestors Some things should just be off limits… On Wednesday we received a tip that popular adult freaky flick site Bang Bros had posted a trailer for a video spoofing Eric Garner’s death. As you can see from the screenshot, the film stars a scantily clad woman toting an “I Can’t Breath(e)” sign. She is approached by men from the “bang bus” and they bring her and her sign on board and proceed to get freaky with her. As they coerce her into some knob-slobbage — they chant “She can’t breathe.” We realize that freaky films are generally, by nature, pretty tasteless — but this was completely sickening, bordering on flat out racist given that these actors, filmmakers and the website overall showed ZERO regard for a black man who lost his life. We’re unable to post the link, trailer or video because of site restrictions but at the very least we had to get the word out. #BoycottBangBros We’ll never be going to Bang Bros again…

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Dead Wrong: Popular Adult Site Posts Video Spoofing Eric Garner Protests “She Can’t Breathe”