Tag Archives: since-internet

"The Morbid Chef" Annick Giroux: The Mr. Skin Skinterview [PICS]

Now, you may have never sat down and read a cookbook before. That’s understandable. But you’ve also (presumably) never gotten your grubby little paws on Annick Giroux , aka the Morbid Chef ‘s, totally metal, totally tasty cookbook Hellbent for Cooking . Hellbent for Cooking collects 101 recipes submitted by bands from 32 countries (all test-driven by the Morbid Chef herself) into an virtual mosh pit of international cuisine. Ever wondered what black metal pioneers Mayhem, Brazilian thrash-metal kings Sepultura or those crazy motherfuckers in GWAR like to eat when they’re not banging their heads? Not only will Hellbent for Cooking answer those questions, it’ll show you how to cook it, too. Now that the cookbook is complete, Annick is traveling the world and writing about it on her blog Into the Void . If you ever wanted to know how to find the best metal bar in Mexico City or one of two underground metal record stores in Osaka, then Into the Void can help you out. Since she’s in the middle of her “world tour”, we caught up with Annick by email. We were told it might “take a while” for her to get back to us, since internet access can be spotty on the road, but only a few days later we received this missive from Kathmandu…

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"The Morbid Chef" Annick Giroux: The Mr. Skin Skinterview [PICS]