Tag Archives: singing-scenes

No Lip-Synching For Kristen Stewart

The Runaways star Kristen Stewart has said she wasn’t lip-synching during the singing scenes in the new movie. The 19-year-old star played Joan Jett in the new flick opposite Dakota Fanning and she said she worked hard to get the voice right in an interview with Parade.com. “I was really concerned about getting the music right because The Runaways have a very distinctive sound. It’s not just singing, it’s trying to sound like them. I wasn’t lip-synching. I worked hard to get like that growl that Joan does when she’s performing. I’m not saying that I did it perfectly, but I gave it my best. And I learned to play the guitar because I didn’t want to fake it.” Very admirable but for KStew’s sake, we hope she got it right.

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No Lip-Synching For Kristen Stewart