Tag Archives: sipping-black

D. McKinney: The Mr. Skin Interview [PICS]

You might think that author D. McKinney is a chain-smoking, kohl-addicted Goth chick who hangs out at Denny’s all night, sipping black coffee and sneering at squares. And maybe, at one point, she was. But then she had the good sense to translate that experience into her debut novel Welcome to Slumberland , about a moody Goth chick whose mundane existence suddenly becomes a lot more exciting when a sexy new neighbor (who might also be a serial killer, but whatever) moves in next door. When we interviewed McKInney, we instead found her to be funny, frank, and, most importantly, willing to discuss the finer points of Kat Dennings ‘ tits. Read Skin Central’s interview with D. McKinney after the jump!

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D. McKinney: The Mr. Skin Interview [PICS]