Tag Archives: slaying-goliath

Slaying Goliath Season 2: Interviewing A Black Donald Trump Supporter

Here we are. After a successful first season of Slaying Goliath where we tackled every issue from Justin Bieber’s whiteness to the Ferguson protests, we’re back with another season. This time we’re staying focused on the 2016 election. Right now it looks like either Hillary or Bernie will be facing off against Donald Trump. Which means we’ll have either an evil person, a less evil person or the devil himself. Yay! Don’t you miss Obama already? Anyway one thing we wanted to do was find a Black Donald Trump supporter with common sense. That is to say that there are so many Trump Black Trump supporters who look like Uncle Toms or buffoons. But what about the smart, sensible Black people who want to vote for Trump? Well we were able to find one man and had a pretty good conversation with him and his beliefs. Yes, we disagree with him but it was a healthy debate. Take a look.

The rest is here:
Slaying Goliath Season 2: Interviewing A Black Donald Trump Supporter

Slaying Goliath With David D. Ep. 2: Those Protesters Shole Can Talk Good

Here’s the second installment of our brand new ongoing series Slaying Goliath With David D . This time, he tackles the way the media has portrayed the protesters in Baltimore. You ever notice how prominent Black figures don’t get called “intelligent” enough? You ever wonder why the CNNs and Fox News outlets are treating protests like they are? Well David D. has some insight. Comment, share and subscribe.

Continued here:
Slaying Goliath With David D. Ep. 2: Those Protesters Shole Can Talk Good