Tag Archives: smokers-trying

Selena Gomez Dos the Golden Globes of the Day

Hollywood is like a cheesy fucking High School, you’d expect or at least hope, the weirdo gothic kid who is an outcast there thanks to being chewed up and spat out by the cool kids…would blow the fuck up on his lunch break…thanks to bombs he built in his shop class.. They all know each other, they all hang out with each other, they are all these egotistical, self involved assholes who celebrate themselves, and who who think they are collectively amazing, but more amazing than the others who make up their community… They all talk shit about each other, smile at each other to save face, go to lunch with each other….and are exclusive and exciting to the general population together…and I just don’t understand why people by into them… They seem detached, lame, boring…they spend their time doing dumb things together…and I think Selena Gomez’s instagram feed from last night at the Golden Globes captures more than just her back fat, but everything that should make you want nothing to do with any of this shit… TO SEE EVERYTHING GOLDEN GLOBES CLICK HERE

Go here to read the rest:
Selena Gomez Dos the Golden Globes of the Day

Top 10 Pictures of Girls Vaping of the Day

Our friends at TheKindPen …helped us compile a list of the top 10 pictures of girls vaping…because in the event you don’t have any idea what is going on in the world…vaping is a massive fucking trend…with vape stores on every corner of every city and small down alike…because people love the shit…and I’m not just taking pot smokers, dab smokers, hash smokers..I’m talking cigarette smokers trying to quit, and flavored vapor smokers who just like sucking on mint or cherry flavored air….the shit is fucking out of control…so with any trend that is out of control…comes hot pics of hot girls posing while doing it…making the whole thing highly erotic… Here’s 10 babes with their VAPES…. If you want the vape of champions….visit our friends at TheKindPen They are offering a 25% discount to all our readers, homies, enemies, girlfriends, mistresses and sluts everywhere…all you have to do is use Code drunk2014 when you’re checking out. I repeat use code drunk2014 when checking out…or CLICK HERE

See the article here:
Top 10 Pictures of Girls Vaping of the Day