Tag Archives: smutty-drugged

Britney Spears Does Candies with Terry Richardson of the Day

I have a problem with Terry Richardson. I am torn because I find him boring and obvious as fuck cuz he was just some rich kid with a connected fashion photographer father who ripped off other better photographers by taking pics of his semi-famous friends half naked with point and shoot cameras. So as much as I love amateur looking pictures of naked sluts doing obscure staged hipster things, no matter how hard it looks like they are trying to be cool or obscure, cuz rich kids generally lack creativity when it comes to being gutter, it got boring pretty fucking fast. Then American Apparel ripped off his style and so did every other magazine and photographer until everywhere I look on the fucking street I see Terry Richardson style pictures….some were from his corporate gigs and others were just rip off artists and the whole smutty drugged out rape victim shit, as hot as it may be got played the fuck out…. Here he is doing another corporate gig for Candies with Britney Spears, only instead of having her laying gold eggs out of her pussy or stepping on her labia, he’s got her clothed and you’d think if motherfucker got famous doing the sleazy trashy shit, he could step it up a bit when he’s dealing with the trahsy popster….

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Britney Spears Does Candies with Terry Richardson of the Day