Tag Archives: some-graduates

Pornstars Read Oh, The Places You’ll Go of the Day

It’s graduation season…and even Kanye West has been celebrating his doctorate…because that’s just the world we live in… So what better way to celebrate this window of hope, that will slowly close as life happens, where your bright eyes and eagerness to get out there get trampled with job rejection letters, student loan debt payments, taking on shit jobs, dating shit women, having a shit wedding, and making shit babies….than an inspirational book read by pornstars, who although would be seen as people who failed at regular life, are often times just perverts in their own right…wanting to get paid to fuck on camera and watched…thanks to deep rooted issues…. So some graduates will defy odds, break free, and really establish themselves….by taking risks and doing great things…but most will just become fat suburban losers….and hopefully at least one hot one will let me watch her fuck…. That said, Oh, the places you’ll come…and the places you’ll go…. All this to say, there’s a fetish in here somewhere… The post Pornstars Read Oh, The Places You’ll Go of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Pornstars Read Oh, The Places You’ll Go of the Day