Tag Archives: some-rosemary

Hilary Duff Gives Me Sexy Eyes

These pictures of Hilary Duff at some lame movie premiere last night kind of threw me off a little, she looks good and all, but she looks different . I don’t know what it is, I recognize the chubby arms and all that, but her face looks off. Have her teeth always been like this? I have no idea what it is, but it’s driving me nuts. Actually she’s kinda got that drunk chick look about her… I like her even more now.

Padma Lakshmi Is A Hot Little Number

I’m not afraid to admit that I watch Top Chef almost every week and I enjoy it, that’s right, so when I found these pictures of hottie host Padma Lakshmi in a sexy dress my mouth started to water. Here she is at some Bravo event the other day looking drop dead sexy, I’d like to slow roast her with some rosemary and garlic and maybe a few sweet potatoes. Alright, so maybe I watch it a little too much.