Tag Archives: space-trannie


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Gaga In Elle Magazine

Whoa, the Fame Monster doesn't look so monstrous on this mag cover, instead going for the “stripped-down space trannie” look. Golf claps.

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Gaga In Elle Magazine

I Snagged A Cab From Jon Stewart

Link: http://coedmagazine.com/2009/11/18/i-… Surprise! Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment

More Vintage GaGa

Before Lady GaGa took up residence in a spaceship on Planet Weirdo, she performed her signature piano ballads (barefoot, you guys!) at an NYU Talent Show under her boring name, Stefanie Germanotta. Bonus points if you wait until the judge at the end warns, “Watch out, Norah Jones.” Yeah, Norah Jones, you'd better watch out, or this girl's going to pull the space trannie rug right out from underneath you! Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment