Tag Archives: sparks-jokes

Sanctified Stuntin’: Bishop TD Jakes’ Swagtastic Versace Pulpit Drip Has Twitter Catching The Spirit

TD Jakes’ Versace Polo Sparks Jokes During Bishop TD Jakes’ latest Sunday sermon , the pastor hit the pulpit in a busy Versace polo, looking like your recently saved former trapper uncle with a testimony on his heart. Of course, social media being the place it is, folks were quick to take note of the rapper-ready style TD chose to deliver his #DontMissIt message this week and, ya know, completely ignore the word. But we digress… The grand consensus was that Bishop Jakes’ “drip” had him looking ready for membership in the Migos… These folks said TD Jakes looks like an extended member of the Migos…Prayvo pic.twitter.com/p7MZrEqEMQ — Cristel Love (@CristelLove1) June 26, 2018 Even Charlamagne took note… Bishop The Drip Jakes. All this time I never knew what the TD stood for. https://t.co/oG2M1554Ib — Charlamagne Tha God (@cthagod) June 26, 2018 Hit the flip for more reactions to TD’s traptastic ‘fit… Getty/Instagram/Twitter

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Sanctified Stuntin’: Bishop TD Jakes’ Swagtastic Versace Pulpit Drip Has Twitter Catching The Spirit