How great is Ariana Grande? The greatest, right? Sure, she’s had her problems — who could forget the great donut-licking scandal , or her general diva shenanigans? But when push comes to shove, when it really matters, Ariana can come through with some real loveliness. And that’s what she’s doing now. Yesterday, we talked about this sad story Ariana told about how she was objectified by some fan of her boyfriend, Mac Miller. She said that Mac’s fan, some “young boy,” saw them while they were out and he followed them to their car. “I thought all of this was cute and exciting,” she recalled, “until he said ‘Ariana is sexy as hell man, I see you, I see you hitting that!!!!'” Poor Ariana admitted that her ordeal might not be “a big deal” to some, but that she felt “sick and objectified.” “I’ve felt really quiet and hurt since that moment,” she said. “Things like that happen all the time and are the kind of moments that contribute to women’s sense of fear and inadequacy.” Queen Ariana declared that she’s not “a piece of meat that a man gets to utilize for his pleasure,” and that she’s sad that so many people have such an easy time objectifying women. “I felt like speaking out about this one experience tonight because I know very well that most women know the sensation of being spoken about in an uncomfortable way publicly by a man,” she said. “We need to talk about these moments openly because they are harmful and they live on inside us as shame.” “We need to share and be vocal when something makes us feel uncomfortable because if we don’t, it will just continue.” “We are not objects or prizes,” she concluded. “We are QUEENS.” Like we said, she’s the greatest. Unfortunately, not everyone can be as wise as Ariana on this subject. When she posted her story, she got flooded with comments about how she dresses provocatively, she can get kind of racy, so what happened is her fault. What a bunch of nonsense, right? But don’t worry, because our girl shut that mess down QUICK. She hopped back on Twitter to explain that “Women expressing sexuality is often mistaken for ‘hi come disrespect me!!!!’ .. & that’s just not the case.” “Women (and men) can express themselves however they’d like !!! even loving sex!! this is not an invitation to be disrespected.” When asked how Mac Miller reacted to the guy, she said “Although this isn’t about his reaction, he drove the f-ck away !! he is a sweet bear & I am falling asleep feeling safe & loved.” But then she really took us to church. “Seeing a lot of ‘but look how you portray yourself in videos and in your music! you’re so sexual!'” she wrote. “Please hold .. next tweet… I repeat …” “Expressing sexuality in art is not an invitation for disrespect !!! just like wearing a short skirt is not asking for assault.” “Women’s choice. ♡ our bodies, our clothing, our music, our personalities….. sexy, flirty, fun. it is not. an open. invitation.” “You are literally saying that if we look a certain way, we are yours to take. But we are not !!! It’s our right to express ourselves.” What did we ever do to deserve such a glorious, truth-telling lady?
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Ariana Grande Speaks Out Against Slut Shaming, Is A Total Queen