Tag Archives: speaker-circuit

Bristol Palin to Give Speeches For Money

Bristol Palin recently said life is really hard as a single, working mom. Such is life. But it’s about to become more lucrative for her, at least. The 19-year-old daughter of former Alaska governor Sarah Palin is set to join the speaker circuit and make between $15,000-30,000 per speech, according to reports. Amazingly, this implies there are people willing to pay that amount. “Her teen pregnancy and the birth of her son Tripp resulted in millions of Americans discussing the issue of teen pregnancy,” reads her Single Source Speakers bio. Oh, to be a struggling new mother … giving your infant son a bath and collecting five-figure checks from In Touch Weekly and the like on a semi-regular basis . ” Bristol Palin has since gone on to become a Teen Ambassador for the Candie’s Foundation, and speaks about pregnancy prevention, abstinence, faith and life.” In addition to posing for magazines, Levi Johnston’s baby mama has become an hypocritical advocate for abstinence since welcoming Tripp 16 months ago. In a People cover story a year ago, Palin warned teens about how hard it is to be a teen mom. “Girls need to imagine and picture their life with a screaming newborn baby and then think before they have sex … Think about the consequences.” She said the same in her teen pregnancy PSA for Candie’s.

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Bristol Palin to Give Speeches For Money