Tag Archives: spends-money

JWoww to Dispense Love Wisdom in New Book

If there’s one thing JWoww from Jersey Shore knows, it’s utterly trashy couture. If there’s a second thing JWoww knows … it’s taking human growth hormone. Okay, so she’s not really a romance expert at all. Nor did we assume she could read to be honest. But JWoww’s writing a book on love advice just the same! The MTV reality star, real name Jenni Farley, is coming out with The Rules According to JWoww in February. N.Y. Times Bestseller List , look the f*%k out. JWoww’s just-released book cover promises to reveal “secrets on landing a mint guy, staying fresh to death, and kicking the competition to the curb.” Sometimes literally. Just ask Sammi Giancola . Inspired by the 1995 self-help classic “The Rules: Time-Tested Secrets for Capturing the Heart of Mr. Right,” Farley’s love lessons are unparalleled. Some tips: “Learn to spot a man whore a mile away,” “Rule No. 17, Bust his balls a little,” Rule No. 52, “Hair belongs on your head, nowhere else.” Profound. Too bad they didn’t help with Tom Lippolis, apparently. She should have made a rule about not allowing JWoww nude photos to get out.

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JWoww to Dispense Love Wisdom in New Book

Kate Gosselin Wastes Money on New Haircut Again

Kate Gosselin spends money like it’s going out of style. That’s not unusual for a famous person, of course. Or for an American in general. Nor is it necessarily a bad thing. But when you’ve got eight mouths to feed and you’re feeding those mouths moldy sandwiches , your priorities are suspect. That said, check out Kate’s $950 haircut!!!!!!! Kate Gosselin sure looks … gopd? It’s hard for us to say. The angular, shag-style cut comes courtesy of celebrity hair stylist Ted Gibson (who’s worked with Angelina Jolie and other stars) and colorist Jason Backe. On a side note, the tanning-salon devotee also sported a particular orange, non-seasonal skin tone. She is now the Snooki of Southeastern Pennsylvania. Gibson says of his famous client, “She loves her new look, and it’s so much fun to work with her!” With that kind of hourly rate, that’s not a huge shock.

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Kate Gosselin Wastes Money on New Haircut Again